Discus the naked truth of Andrew Soh…


As you understand it, this book is available in English. The author, Andrew Soh We expressed the discus breeding experience.

Andrew wanted to write about the discussions since the 90, he who has participated in numerous conferences on fish king, and participated on several occasions as a judge for competitions in Germany or Indonesia.

I first discovered this book in 2005, from its marketing; and I offer you a quick summary of its contents.

Couverture de l'ouvrage "Discus, The Naked Truth" d'Anfrew Soh

This book is structured in 11 chapters


Chapter 1 Select the best

This chapter "disseque" the morphology of the discus. Each character is studied and commented on. We find the form, the mouth, the front, eyes, opercula, the fins and tails, the scales and the General State of fish. The illustrations are numerous and relatively definitly. The qualities and defects are thus explained to help the farmer to select beautiful fish.


Chapter 2 Various farming systems

The author discusses the advantages and disadvantages of many livestock facilities. Seven systems are exposed; simple tray without filter to the system Central (several tanks connected by a common filtration).

Chapter 3 Livestock

Here are the main aspects of the discus breeding; the choice of the aquarium to rearing the young discus. A couple of discus is followed and photographed spawning rearing FRY.

Chapter 4 The culture of brine

Andrew exposes the salina brine shrimp farming method. Many photos accompany his explanation. Note that the brine is a living food for our discus exellent!

Chapter 5 Sexer the discus

Male or female??? The various methods used by farmers and enthusiasts are exposed. Many sketches illustrate this fifth chapter.


Chapter 6 Raising a champion

Not dreaming of having a beautiful fish in her aquarium…a champion? The features that make a discus fish lightning (worthy of a competition) are put forward.


Chapter 7 The genetics of the discus

A few examples are studied. At the end of this chapter, the drive will include all art needed to create selection or the maintenance of a strain of discus.

Chapter 8/9/10 Quarantine procedures, diseases and treatments, list of commonly used drugs

Three chapters on the topic of prevention and care in disease.


Chapter 11 Frequently asked questions

Andrew Soh et Yann Hoiret

The author Andrew Soh and I

This book is for my meaning to people who engage in breeding of discus. As you've seen, the themes are primarily directed in the sense. It is full of hints. Andrew Soh Here is an excellent rich book of photos and illustrations facilitate understanding.

Bravo Andrew for this good book !

Yann Hoiret


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About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2024 au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.


  1. Yann Hoiret on

    Hi Anton,
    You can order it on Amazon; or if you have a facebook; feel free to contact the author Andrew Soh.

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