Discus for perfectionists Jack Wattley


Couverture du livre "Discus pour les perfectionnistes" de Jack Wattley

A real stroke of heart to the presentation of this book. It was my first book on discus. I has more number of times or I have covered it.

Obviously, it was published in 1991 ; translated into French in 1994 and is of ancestor ; but the author, M. Jack Wattley is now registered in the history of the discus. His nickname, "Pope's discus" speaks for itself.

With this book, M. Wattley has been willing to seek advice from ranchers world. Among the best known, Dick to the (United States of America) author of the guide back to nature discus ; Manfred Göbel (Germany) or Dr. Edward Schmidt-Focke (Germany). They are in total 14 farmers interviewed ; of Singapore to the Japan from New Zealand, the Malaysia or the Canada.

On the model of an interview, M. Wattley addresses 12 themes : The purchase of discus, food, the water, lighting, filtration, aquariums, farming, diseases, "the most important factor., the long-term future, new varieties and "finally".. Each theme is the subject of several questions and answers.

Obviously, This book is old 18 years today, but it is still full of information.

Personally, I find it interesting to compare the knowledge of the years 90 than today. Thus one can understand certain developments to date.

Some lines of this book prove us, as in the chapter "The long-term future" with the words of M. Dollman (United States of America) to the question "what are your predictions for the future of the species." ? "I quote : "I believe that we have gone as far as possible with the turquoise strains". I think that it is possible that someone developed a strain of red in the next 10 years. "

Or even those of M. Long (Zimbabwe) I quote : "I hope that we are at the tip of the iceberg with respect to the colors and the development of the fins.. For colors, When the Red discus, mauves, walleye, Greens, albino ? "

Interesting non ?

This book is part of my library and I do not regret ; It has helped me to understand much about the discus.

Some questions of the years 90 have found answers. Others are still subject of debate.

In my opinion a real interest for lovers of discus in the broad sense, Although it is primarily aimed at those who raise this fabulous fish.

Jack Wattley et Yann Hoiret

Jack Wattley and I in 2006

See you soon

Yann Hoiret


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About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2024 au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.

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