Guarani discus l'interview….


Logo Guarani discus

Following the video report, many of you to ask me about the company "Guarani discus» ...

Promised thing thing due ! Now here's the interview of Angelo, the boss of this company to discus import.
I would like to thank Angelo for the pictures build available, These are supplemented by a few shots that I could take home.

I would remind those who were noticing that you can find a video report on the discus of "Guarani discus".. Video report

I now wish you a good lecture…

Photo discus golden albino

Yann Hoiret Fanatik-discus :

Angelo, Thanks again for your home in your premises and your sympathy; Can you we say how long are Guarani discus?

Angelo Guarani discus :

Guarani Discus has existed since September 2007 first as amateur and then as a professional in February 2009

Y FD : Before you create your business the discus were a hobby, can you tell us?

A GD : My passion for the Discus began in 1988, at the time I had an aquarium of 300 litres, I did not make preparations of water as today because internet did not exist. I was several kilometres to get a few books available.
After a period of learning sometimes laborious, my efforts began to pay and it is only in 1994 that I had my first breeding of discus with a couple red turquoise.

Y FD : Guarani discus why this name for your business?

A GD : In winter 2004 and 2005 I spent a few months in the Amazon or I discovered people and beautiful culture of the Brazil including the Indian Guarani. It is then that he came me the idea of using the "Guarani Discus" name for my company.

Y FD : Many discussophiles dream to go and see the discus in their natural environment, you who have lived in the Brazil, have you some beautiful stories to tell about it?

A GD : For several years I exercised the diving instructor profession which allowed me to visit several countries and many cultures. One of my most beautiful diving is carried out in the Amazon or I could meet the wild discus, the first time that I saw him in the wilderness was a huge emotion I wanted to in again and again. During this period I have had the opportunity to meet with my supplier of discus wild.

photo Discus red spotted snakeskin Photo discus red spotted snakeskin

Y FD : How many aquariums account your structure?

A GD : My structure currently 40 Aquariums of 300 litres and 1 of 2000 litres for the discus hybrids, 6 Aquariums of 300 litres and 1 of 2500 litres for wild Discus. 10 quarantine aquariums.

Y FD : Your aquariums are individually filtered; for what purpose?

A GD : My aquariums are individually filtered to avoid all disease or problem of water blooms.

Y FD : When I came to meet you, your installation is home to breeding discus, new aquariums were expected, will increase you your choice in breeding discus?

A GD : It remains still, 50 m 2, unoccupied surface that I reserve for the discus hybrids. Because I want for spring 2010 arrive at about fifty species of breeding discus.

Photo Discus Red spotted snakeskin albinos

Y FD : Regards water for your discus, How do you?

A GD : For the preparation of my water, I use water demineralized by ion-exchange, the Kati system&ANI which is first filtered with a particulate filter and a charcoal filter. Then the water is remineralized with mineral salts Preis for discus and inlet to the good settings (pH, GH, KH, Conductivity, etc.)

Y FD : How often make sure you water changes?

A GD : I make my changes of water every day, 1/3 the morning and cleaning the bottom of the aquarium at night which is 50%.

Photo Discus turquoise

Y FD : What type of filter do you use?

A GD : I use an internal settling each Aquarium filtration. The filter consists of blue foam, Bio pearls (Editor's note bacterial support) and white cotton.

Y FD : With respect to the filtration, do you have a particular maintenance?

A GD : I have no particular maintenance for my filtration, I change just once a week the white cotton that loads of sediment.

Y FD : How many times are fed your discus?

A GD : The discus are fed 2 twice a day, of pellets will be the morning and a house recipe night. Sunday is a day of fasting.

Y FD : How many time acclimatise you your discus before sale?

A GD : I acclimate my Discus about ten days for hybrids and a fortnight for Indians.

Photo discus white red valentine

Y FD : How many varieties offer you for sale?

A GD : Currently I have about 30 of hybrid varieties of discus.
For wild hope get 15 varieties, for the moment my aquarium water but not yet ready for fish.

Y FD : On my visit, proposing many albino varieties: think you that they may be raging in Europe as is the case in Asia?

A GD : It is true that the albino discus is not well-known in Europe, clients who come to me are quite curious to see this fish in the red eyes. Some confuse them with fish of sea water. I have Leopard discus 25% Albino selling very well, you see it will come gradually !

Y FD : Angelo, you necessarily have a variety "favorite", can you tell us about your favourite discus?

A GD : I love all the discus !!! But it is true that I have a weakness for the albino discus and Red.

Photo discus pigeon blood albinos

Y FD : A few weeks ago you intend a shipment of wild discus when it?

A GD : This is three months that my company is open and I think that I have not progressed. The manufacture of aquariums for wild discus took 1 months late and I apologize to those who are in a hurry and ahead.
But I promise to all those people that Guarani Discus provide wild discus for quality.

Y FD : What are your plans for "Guarani discus"?

A GD : I have a lot of projects for Guarani Discus, the first is to organize seminars with biologists on the discus and the Amazon. Heiko Bleher and I are in discussion on this topic.
The project that really want me to by some time when Guarani Discus will be installed and ground, is to organize the first international discus Championship in Geneva.

Y FD : Angelo, What(s) Council(s) give you the faithful readers of Fanatik-discus?

A GD : Earn maximum information and with very qualified people always.

Angelo, Thank you for the time that you spent with me to answer these questions.

Comments collected the 28 September 2009

I wish to inform our readers that the company Guarani Discus has closed its doors in October 2011.

Yann Hoiret

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About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2024 au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.


  1. Hello everyone.
    I'm looking for a red Valentine discus or possibly red cover.
    You cela ?

  2. Yann Hoiret on

    Hello Jerome,
    I think right now, in France, you might try contacting M. Gobert KLDF.
    He works with M. Goh (Has not m'abuse) that has a good reputation in this field.
    Yann 🙂

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