Granules Discus Formula of ocean Nutrition



discus formula pellets ocean nutrition

The industry' power dedicated to the fishes ornamental in Europe dominated by companies such as Tetra, JBL, or Will.

These brands worldwide offer their customers many product lines that meet the expectations of hobbyists. Passionate discussion, I am always on the lookout for improvements and products relating to the. I thought that in the field of the nutrition dedicated dry in the discus everything had been done. Flakes, granulates, crips ... what more ?

But, one morning in January 2011, I let you imagine my amazement at the discovery of the final product. Discus formula pellets " Ocean nutrition


discus formula pellets


Ocean Nutrition, the small marks which monte…

Founded in 1982 San Diego United States, Ocean nutrition is specialist food for exotic fish. Its slogan "Preserving life and beauty trough nutrition." (Preserving life and beauty by food) is only a products…

Indeed, over the years, the mark is necessary in the field of’food frozen fish with more of 45 references ! Known of the Marine Aquarium ; Ocean Nutrition not long before mark the minds with regard to the quality and diversity of its products.

The mark will be speak it frequently with very specific lines. So, Atison's Betta range was a real success, as nauplii of brine instant !
With regards to this discus, I remember one food frozen «» Jack Wattley formula "that is no longer distributed, as well as a snowflake for discus that has hardly caught my attention...
Since appeared the «» Formula granules for discus " Discus formula pellets to the amazing features.


Gamme Atison betta food ocean nutrition

The brine and Atison's Betta ranges…


A pellet-shaped to vase…

When I view the box for the first time, I remember having found her attractive, but also spontaneously, I said to myself : "Another one". granulate In addition ! "
But what a surprise when I discovered with surprise the English term "Bloodworm shaped." (In form of bloodworms)

The arguments of the mark :

Form of bloodworms

-Enriched with garlic, Spirulina and stabilized vitamin C

-Enhances the colors of fishes, Boosts the immune system

-Increased mucus production during the larval phase

The formulation seems to me as relevant as found in the main ingredient of nauplii of Artemia (I don't remember having already seen this). Then is of the fish meal or of krill. For colors, the canthaxanthine and the Spirulina (among others) are present.

The overall analysis gives this : Protein 41.8%, Humidity 11%, Fat matters 8.5%, Ash 8%, fibres 3%.

L’essai sur mes discus

The first thought that came to me at the opening of the box was intended for the discussophiles who have difficulty feeding their fishes with granules.
What's more attractive than a vase to for our discus ?

Discus red melon mangeant les granulés ocean nutrition

My red melons have not remained indifferent…


Despite all, regards my discus, they have never seen one bloodworms ! I was so curious of their reaction. I was surprised by the incredible likeness of granulate with the worms. It seems also ringed as its counterpart ! In the water is also interesting ; may be a little "harsh" but in the water, the granulate seems quickly soften making it more attractive for the fishes. However, even after several minutes in the water, It retains its original form.


vers de vase VS granulé ocean nutrition

On the left of vases, right pellets…


Being accustomed to eat small granulates, I started by lightly crush them the «» Discus formula pellets ". Quickly, They agreed that such food what.
Its formulation and its size, I think that this food is most suited to the discus adults or subadults.

The appetite is relatively good because fish throw themselves on this food After a few days. I was also able to test them in the phase of reproduction with my couple of red cover. I would say that mucus production was superior but I must say that larval rearing was very well déroulé…


Discus red melon mangeant les granulés ocean nutrition


for conclusion…

I want to emphasize that I very much appreciate this kind of innovations when they bring in my opinion a hobby more. I think that this deserves our attention. I tested this food and I am quite happy. This A, for example, I would like to have feedback from its use on the Wild discus. Promote the grip compared to the granulates traditional forms ?


I am counting on you ; lovers of wild to share here (or on the page facebook the blog) your comments !
More I invite you to visit the site Ocean nutrition.


Yann Hoiret

Rejoindre la communauté du blog Fanatik-discus

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About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2024 au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.


  1. Hello Yann,

    When you return to the "Discus formulated pellets" Ocean Nutrition, distributed to wild discus.

    I have introduced this food (dry and damp) two months into their meal.

    After long weeks (1 and a half months), they begin to consume moderately with a preference when it is softened.

    The result is therefore the very conclusive moment.


    Good end of day.

    A more.


  2. Yann Hoiret on

    Hello Bruno! 🙂

    Thank you for this testimony!

    I think we should persist, If feed can have beneficial effects on the health of your fish.

    Manufacturers are working on forms of granules palatable… I will keep informed you aware if I have a little more info!

    Yann 🙂

  3. Stéphane on

    Hello Yann,
    Me I distributes it regularly to my discus and scalars in my sandbox and they love.
    Besides I only use more this.

  4. Personally, since the first day, 2 discus immediately took this food without reticence !
    The 7 other, followed in the week, encouraged by the food competition. I always provided first of beef heart, then about 20 minutes after I gives the Discus Formula Pellets. It is a true arena of each fight to defend its share!! they love! excellent for a absences also!!!
    I'm a FAN of the product !! Thank you OCEAN NUTRITION !

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