Discus Week 2011 "Flowers and plants of the Lake" Epagny



Saturday 26 November 2011 the first was held «» Discus week «at the store «» Flowers and plants Lake " (Haute-Savoie). The opportunity for me to return to this event well nice…



Stakeholders in quality

Make you was given on the theme of our dear fish! For this he needed welcome partners in quality with the desire to convey their knowledge and their good mood!

It was thus that’Andrea Sassi and Antonello Greco (SG discus) accompanied M.Castanet (Eheim France group) for a high day in color. During the event the participants were able to appreciate the novelties presented by the famous German brand with 'Aquacorner' or the 'Power LED' filters.

Stand Eheim Discus week 2011

Stand Eheim


Two conferences were provided in English by Andrea Sassi come for the opportunity to present SG discuscoltura for the first time in France. Interventions with the theme "Take care of his discus" and "Presentation of SG discusfarm.. I had the immense pleasure of modestly translate these to make them accessible to all.

The participants were able to benefit from the experience of these two renowned farmers who have not hesitated to widely share their knowledge to make. Approach of the power of the discus will have marked the audience since this company mainly fed his fish using granules.

Subject exciting that raised many questions…

The second intervention will be a little more technical as it tackled the image of Andrea and Antonello rearing presentation. I also suggest you see (or review) the projettee video a little later…

Furthermore, the reproduction and the birth of some varieties were presented with visuals of quality. Reproductions enthusiasts were able to obtain some information very definitly!


La discus Week Fleurs et plantes du lac


Andréa Sassi et Antonello Greco SG discus

Antonello and Andrea who share their philosophy and their passion for the first time in France

Step week without discus discus !!!
Batteries dédiées aux discus à Fleurs et plantes du lac (74) Yann Hoiret acclimatant des discus

Of course the discus were part and many varieties have joined the aquaria of enthusiasts…

We were able to see some varieties of blue diamond, cobalts, turquoises, Red melon, Leopard, and other pigeon blood 'tiger head.. I propose you some photos taken these days, because more than words these will let you appreciate the quality of work of Italian farmers.

Discus pigeon blood "Tiger head" 6/8 cm SG discus

Discus pigeon blood 'Tiger head.

Discus turquoise "red diamond" 6/8 cm SG discus

Turquoise discus "Red diamond".

Discus turquoise 12 cm SG discus

Turquoise discus

Discus turquoise "red diamond" SG discus

Turquoise discus "red diamond".

Beautiful pieces of Turquoise Blue Cobalt discus, red diamond and leopard are also invited to the party…

The presence of this type of specimens is interesting since it allows to better this account for the potential development of present young discus.


Discus cobalt bleu SG discus

Discus cobalt and Leopard

Discus cobalt bleu SG discus

Discus léopard SG discus

Leopard discus

You said nano????

The store does not escape the 'nano' fever that invaded France for a few years already. Seven species and varieties of shrimp were also presented with more vibrant colors than the other!

Nano aquariums

Nano aquariums

Nano aquariums

Caridina cf cantonensis "Bee Black" Caridina cf cantonensis "Red Bee"

Caridina cantonensis cf

I hope you enjoy these photos and this small story.

I spent a pleasant time with many enthusiasts with ease and it remains for me to offer you what I have you promised earlier…. whether the small projected video famous Saturday 26 November…

-> SG DISCUS video


A soon on Fanatik-Discus !


Yann Hoiret


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About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2024 au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.


  1. Thanks for this article, fault not having been able to go me…. Bravo for your work !!

  2. LOCHET Gilles on


    A report and cool very photos, for absentee, Awesome !!!!

    Congratulations beautiful work


  3. Yann Hoiret on

    Hi Gilles,

    Thank you, I'm glad that this kind of small story you like it!

    A soon on the blog.!


  4. property for the report,
    I just returned from the Nhamunda and I is also a sub-aqueous story with the beautiful very wild discus it is possible to see a few pictures and plants on aquariomania.
    More aquariophilement

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