The 7 and 8 April 2012 will be held the second RNDF (French National Discus Meeting ) near Vierzon.
Sylvain Abrioux gave reasons for the increasing interest of enthusiasts for the discussophiles events for the Organization of the second RNDF…
Part location, Vierzon is likely to attract many people.
For evidence, This meeting place is located in 4 h or less than Lille/Toulouse/Lyon; less than 3 h of Nantes/Troyes; 2h see less Paris/Limoges/Clermont Ferrand…
Placed during Passover weekend, the date of Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 April 2012 will allow a large majority to organize and to rest after many discussions and planned trade!
Here is the program for two days:
10h 11: 00 : Coffee, snack with round table to come and get to know
11h 12: 00: The history of the discus by Robert Allgayer presented by Sylvain ABRIOUX.
12h 14: 00: Meals
14h 15: 30: The distribution of wild discus depending on species and different melanoma patterns. Alain Joris
15: 30 - 15: 45 pm: Small break
15h45 - 17 h 15: The various biotope with the quality of the water that irrigate. A.Joris
17H15 - 5: 30 pm: Small break
17: 30 am - 7: 00 pm: Debates (friendly) with the participation of all. Debates that will be put on paper in an urn and drawn by lot that each is expressed on the subject.
There are already but if you want to see appear a, do not hesitate to propose.
19h-???: aperitif followed by lunch.
9h 10: 00: Breakfast together
10a.m. - 11: 00 pm: The Green discus reproduction Dominique Gelhaye
11a.m. - 11 p.m.: Small break
11H15 - 12: 00 pm: Artificial Breeding Dominique Gelhaye
12h 14: 00: Meals
14h 15: 00: Collect and observe microscopic parasites on our discus by Pierre Cristina (APC Snake Discus), submitted by S.Abrioux.
For all information regarding accommodation, meals and conduct of the meeting please contact Sylvain (Alias ARXSP1) here –> NATIONAL FRANCE DISCUS MEETING 2012
Yann Hoiret
I hope see you many to share our passion.
And don't forget, you have until the 18 March to register and send your rules if you eat with us.
J-15 :-)))
Hello Yann
Do you come to Vierzon ?
Hello! 🙂
Not sorry but I could not come…
I'm working all weekend long!
Next time I hope!
Explode you!
And Yes Yann, David like me and other fans would have liked to meet you.
I hope that we will have for other opportunities to power we found, discuss share about our shared passion.
In any case for the J-5 meeting :-)))
Hi Sylvain! 🙂
Yes it's a shame, for me it falls rather…
For my part, the next "move" should be in Lausanne 6 June (If all goes well…).
For a Conference of Robert Allgayer on wild discus.
Enjoy you for that meeting between enthusiasts!
If you take some photos do not hesitate to send me some.
Yann 😉
It works, There will surely be people who will take photos but it is always difficult to represent l’ atmosphere and richness of the trade picture.
In any case I am delighted of this meeting, whether it is for the rich exchanges that we have but also to review a friend(a)s or people that I respect much.