Dortmund 2012 Discus show


Logo Discus show Dortmund 2012

Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 September 2012 took place the first European discus Championship. It is the city of Dortmund who welcomed in the Wambel Racecourse place no less than 4300 visitors for the first edition of this show discus.

A discus show who made a lot of noise...


Dortmund 2012 succeed to the discus show Duisburg

It is at the end of year 2011 that the news shook the discus world… Norbert Zajac has put an end to a series of 8 discus show. 16 years during Germany itself with its championship DUISBURG. A contest estimated as " THE " championship of World.

A story that began a 3 October 1996...

The Doctor Clifford Chan, in the first magazine of Discus club Singapore 1998 ended his article by and I quote "I would very strongly encourages all hobbyists to exhibit their discus at the next show or at least make the trip to Duisburg this year" (I strongly encourage fans to expose their discussion to the next contest or at least make the trip this year to Duisburg)

The legend was born...

Discus Club Singapore MAGAZINE Duisburg 1997 Clifford Chan

Click on the image to access the article of Clifford

After this new Michael Schönefeld immediately answered present. Impossible forGermany not to have its championship. In a short time, Michael then embarked on the preparation of a contest which will take place in Dortmund. He will name it the « The first discus Championship".

A website is born, the logistics teams selected, partners were ready , judges designated ... All eyes then turned to Dortmund !

Norbert Zajac et Michael Schönefeld Dortmund 2012

Norbert Zajac rewarded for its support for the Hobby of the discus

Beautiful discus...

Once is not custom, the fish winning the title of grand champion is a blue diamond !

Udo Thraen won the much desired trophy and congratulate those who saw this fish born, Tony Tan IP Discus.

Both pose proudly in front of their trophies and fishs.

Tony Tan et Udo Thraen Dortmund 2012

Tony and Udo

Due to the cloudy water and fine bubbles in the aquarium, It was complicated to take beautiful shots.

However here are some and I thank again Jeffrey Tan and Mike Ossulivan of British and International Discus Keepers Association which I invite you to discover the web site.

BIDKA site Web

Dortmund 2012 Open Class - 1st Jason Wu Dortmund 2012 Open Class - 2nd Francis Hu

Snow white leopard first Jason Wu and red melon second Francis Hu Open category

Dortmund 2012 pattern coarse -1st Clive Brampton

First class "Pattern coarse" Clive Brampton

Dortmund 2012 Pattern Fine - 1st Dortmund 2012 Pattern Fine - 2nd

Discus first and second elected in category "Fine pattern"

Dortmund 2012 Red - 1st Discusfood - Udo Thraen Dortmund 2012 Red - 2nd Clive Brampton

Solid red category, two beautiful fish…

Udo Thraen and Clive Brampton

Dortmund 2012 Solid Blue - 2nd Hermann Hahner

Discus blue Diamond arrived second in its category (Hermann Hahner)

Grand champion discus Blue diamond Dortmund 2012

Discus blue Diamond of Udo Thraen elected Best of show

Dortmund 2012 Solid Blue - 1st and Grand Champion Udo Thraen

Cüneyt Birol Michael Schönefeld et Udo Thraen Dortmund 2012

The international judge Cüneyt Birol, Michael Shönefeld et Udo Thraen

Jason Wu et Michael Schönefeld Dortmund 2012

Bernd Degen, and Michael Shonefeld congratulating Jason Wu

Tony Tan Dortmund 2012

Tony Tan who was born this blue diamond is proud of its fish !

Discus turquoise Dortmund 2012 Discus red Dortmund 2012

Discus leopard Dortmund 2012

Discus leopard Dortmund 2012

Dortmund 2012 a disaster ?

Few days after the weekend, many comments have appeared on the Web. The Dortmund competition has unleashed passions.

Social networks (With Facebook primarily), forums, specialized websites have commented news dedicated to this contest.

Diskus brief release Dortmund 2012

The "a" of the website Diskus Brief, famous German magazine

A video posted on the Youtube video social network was the detonator. This one currently deleted by its author presented the event with the presentation of the awards, and then finished with images of respiratory distress and black discus. No picture of winners. This video gave a very negative note and immediately affected the reputation of contest.

Many messages appeared here and there. Michael Schönefeld sometimes became the target of criticism...

Lot of criticisms were formulated...

"A shame" will say the most disappointed persons because the water of aquariums of the competition was just opaque. Not easy then to be able to enjoy the show. As much as some discus showed obvious signs of distress .

Water not prepared, with bad parameters, too powerful filters, low temperatures, poorly washed sand, staff non-veteran... these were the pitfalls returning regularly.

Aquariums à l'eau trouble Dortmund 2012

Opaque water of some aquariums

The " Europe of the competition was also much criticized. Winning fish were actually born abroad (Out ofEurope) and presented by people living in Europe.

May the rules need more clarity ? Create a special trophy better regarded for a fish born in Europe ?

Obviously, There were faults in the preparation or organization (as for each first edition of discus show) But critics became sometimes exaggerated and mostly non-constructive...


Michael Shonefeld press release

In front of inappropriate comments ; participants, judges, and visitors react supporting Michael Shonefeld. Quickly, the latter wrote a press release to clarify the situation.

I think that it's the right answer in this kind of situation.

I invite you to discover French, This release dedicated to English and German Dortmund 2012.

PRESSEMITTEILUNG Dortmund 2012 Press release Michael shönefeld Dortmund 2012 Communiqué de presse Dortmund 2012 Michael shonefeld

German, English and French versions of Michael Shonefeld press release

Many support messages arrived from Poland, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Italy etc... And the organizers of the next show discus will benefit assistance from a number of enthusiasts from all parts ofEurope.


Dortmund 2013.

Michael Schönefeld had the courage and the audacity to organize the discus contest of Dortmund. Do not forget that this competition was an event very awaited by enthusiasts.

Forget the big Championship of Duisburg will not be easy. For 2012 disappointment of some persons was up to their expectations. We have to leave Michael teams work in order that they can progress in the next edition.

Such misadventures have already occurred during previous discus show in Europe. Here, it concernGermany, and this country, discus breeding land has no little right to error !

There is no doubt that many aspects will be rectified in 2013.

However, and I will finish by this positive note ; a majority of visitors say having spent some excellent moments in the company of their friends in the middle of always also taken equipment stands.

Many were discussions arround of our favourite aquarium discus fish ...

As told my friend Cüneyt Birol, during one of the interview on the blog Fanatik-discus "The discus is a fish which united the world."

Meditate on these wise words in order that all together we do progress the hobby of the discus !

Apéritif Dortmund 2012 Moments de détente Restaurant Dortmund 2012

Discussophiles friends have gone from great moments !

Tony Vaughan et Jeff Canons BIDKA Dortmund 2012

Tony Vaughan (Irish judge) and Jeff Canons of the BIDKA


Yann Hoiret

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About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2024 au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.


  1. Eddy duvigneaud (eddy52) on

    Hello yann,

    As usual very beautiful story !! Bravo !

    Small question regarding my discus, I have 14 Discus 10-12 cm in magnification in a 330 l (180 x 40×45 h d water ). I have two that are a bit dark and eat less than other!! What to do?? Please

    Temp 29, pH 7.2, gh 7, nitrite 0, nitrates 15. I do water changes all the 2 days of 30% !!!

    Can I raise the temperature to 33 degrees Celsius for a week or else if possible avoiding drugs?? Thank you for your reply and good luck

    PS: i am also on discus


  2. Yann Hoiret on

    Hello Eddy,

    Thank you for this comment! It always makes me happy to know that this kind of reporting please.
    Still need to congratulate my two reporters photographers Jeffrey and Mike for their shots.

    For your concerns, I'm trying to answer you tomorrow by mail to not deviate from the topic dedicated to Dortmund 2012

    Yann 🙂

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