Aquarama 2013 Singapore and its discus aquariums



Aquarama is the most important international event of Asia. Organized for the aquatic industry, You can meet a multitude of fishes, invertebrates, Ornamentals plants and accessories dedicated to them.

This 13th edition of’Aquarama took place in June 2013 with in the event, the contest dedicated to the discus.

This year was very special. Indeed for the first time in its history, Singapore has seen arriving Europeans. Some European discus breeders came with their own fishes born and breed in Europe

After a very long trip to the other side of the world, It is with 4 fishes that our breeders defended the European colours. How have figured these discus? have they won a prize?

One of the reporters of blog, My friend Victor Lim, had decided to present some spotted discus… It is with attention that I followed the results obtained by its fishes

I will not conclude this small presentation without thanking Raymond Lee regular reporter for the the blog Fanatik-Discus. Raymond, Thanks again, we travel through your pictures! (Thank you my friend! 😉 )

Now; Imagine rows of’discus aquariums covered by a crowd of visitors. Here you are? So follow me, discovering the winners of the contest Aquarama 2013 dedicated to our dear discus!


The blue diamond discus aquariums (solid blue)

Aquarama 2013 Class 1 Discus Solid blue01_1

Winner in category solid blue, Injazz Discus (Qatar)


Aquarama 2013 Class 1 Discus Solid blue02_1 Aquarama 2013 Class 1 Discus Solid blue03_1

On Left, the discus of Goh Khai Hin (Malaysia) arrived second. on right the one of Cheng Wen Chin (Taiwan) third


I really liked the winner in this category. I let you appreciate the very harmonious shape of this fish. The uniformity of the colour accentuated by the fineness of the scales gives a very bright color. The eyes have a correct red.

It surpasses the second arrived fish from Goh Khai Hin that I find a little bit below the winner at the shape level. The third will have lost points due to the color of its eyes (less red). Note also the difference of Blue between the three fishes


Aquarama 2013 and the red discus…

GrandChampion 2013 Aquarama_1

Winner of the category solid reds/Brown and Grand Champion AQUARAMA 2013 of Michel Capot (Philippines)


Aquarama 2013 Class 2 Discus Solid red 02_1 Aquarama 2013 Class 2 Discus Solid red 03_1

Andy Hwang (Singapore) won the second and third place

The fish winner in this category from Michel Capot has been elected discus Grand champion of the Aquarama contest. The color of this fish is very interesting, a red ... For my part, I find that the shape of its body is not its main quality.

I enjoyed the fish who won the third place. The color pattern is very interesting and reminds me solid reds that I was able to see in pictures in some Asian breeders place. Red color covering a large part of opercula and also the eye area.


Victor Lim winner and breeder in Singapore

Aquarama 2013 Class 3 Discus red spotted snakeskin 01_1

The winner in category red spotted snakeskin of Victor Lim (Singapore)

Aquarama 2013 Class 3 Discus red spotted snakeskin 02_1 Aquarama 2013 Class 3 Discus red spotted snakeskin 03_1

On the left fish of Michel Capot (Philippines) and on right side the one of Jeffrey Tan (Malaysia)


I have here my first favourite. The winner Victor Lim is a friend and I am happy for him and this trophy won.

This fish born from a cross of two beautiful lines had a beautiful behavior in his aquarium (I invite you to see it in the video below). Not impressed, It has perfectly accept his new environment. Look at the color of his eyes very correct for this kind of variety. A less common thing, the intense red background on a uniform pattern. A red nearly wine coloured that contrasts well with the Blue. (Note the difference with the fish arrived third).

The three discus have quite different pattern types, The fineness of spots of the discus arrived second is just awesome! The eye is less red and shape less harmonious.

The third is the "touch" of Tony Tan IP discus … I have a painting of these fishes in my home from a picture I took in Germany (Visible on the Fanatik-Discus Facebook fan page). I appreciate a lot the elegance of this strain and its relatively regular patron.

You will understand it… I found a nice level in this category!


Beautiful ring leopards in the red spotted

Aquarama 2013 Class 4 Discus red spotted 01_1

Red spotted leopard ring discus first from Lawrence Chong (Singapore)


Aquarama 2013 Class 4 Discus red spotted 02_1 Aquarama 2013 Class 4 Discus red spotted 03_1

Left fish from Kelvin Kwa, on right the one of Victor Lim (From Singapore both)


The ring leopard discus became in a few years a much sought-after variety. Previously, We could find in this category some nice leopard discus.

With the evolution of the selection, the " Leopard ring " (pattern with circles ) began to draw all eyes and attentions.

Difficult variety to select , the work of breeders of "rings" is now often rewarded with a trophy.

The fishes arrived first and second are Leopard rings. The third, a Leopard with a more classical pattern has however a bright blue color!


The turquoise seen at Aquarama

Aquarama 2013 Class 5 Discus turquoise 01_1

Turquoise discus of Sunny Yap (Singapore) elected first in its category


Aquarama 2013 Class 5 Discus turquoise 02_1 Aquarama 2013 Class 5 Discus turquoise 03_1

On Left, on the second step of the podium the discus from Sunny Yap, On right the one of Tony Tan.


The three fishes have a relatively uniform level. The first detaches slightly with a beautiful shape; a best color pattern and more red eyes.

A good level for this category.


2013 , year of the Italian Sg discuscoltura with a beautiful pigeon blood

Aquarama 2013 Class 6 Discus pigeon blood 01_1

First in the category pigeon blood, Tony Tan Discus IP (Malaysia)


Aquarama 2013 Class 6 Discus pigeon blood 02_1 Aquarama 2013 Class 6 Discus pigeon blood 03_1

On the left a pigeon blood of Injazz Discus (Qatar), right one of Andrea and Antonello SG Discus


And here is my second favorite… I have always found the pigeon blood discus of my friends Andrea and Antonello at a worldwide level…

For me, their pigeons varieties are part of the most beautiful that I was able to see. When I knew that my Italian friends were involved in Aquarama 2013, My first reaction was this one: "I hope that you will bring one of your pigeon!!! "

The regular readers of the blog Fanatik-Discus will remember the first report where I mentioned these two breeders… There are 5 years already!

I invite you to rediscover the video of their success in pigeon blood in Duisburg (2008). What way traveled since!

Furthermore, some beautiful specimens that I had at this time shared on the blog… Discus from SG Discus

The Pigeon blood by Tony Tan come first has a very interesting pattern. Admire the contrast of the two dominant colors. A remarkable intense red.

The Italian discus has a special shape. What harmony between the shape of the body and fins. A very beautiful fish!

Antonello and Andrea, are entered in the history of’Aquarama becoming "merely" the first European to come with one of their fish born in Europe and raised by them! BRAVO again to them!!!


The solid albino discus

Aquarama 2013 Class 7 Discus solid albino 01_1

Wu Shao Bin Here wins first place


Aquarama 2013 Class 7 Discus solid albino 02_1 Aquarama 2013 Class 7 Discus solid albino 03_1

Sunny Yap to the left and Caitlin Lee on the right, second and third


Difficult to say here what are the origins of these varieties of Albino discus… One interesting thing, the "solid" absolute fish arrived first and third! Not a stripe on the horizon!

These two fish reminds me the Raymond Lee's fish elected grand champion discus 2009 in this same category.


Discus albino pattern, a nice win

Aquarama 2013 Class 8 Discus albino pattern 01_1

Sunny Yap won once again a prize with this discus.


Aquarama 2013 Class 8 Discus albino pattern Aquarama 2013 Class 8 Discus albino pattern 03_1

Injazz Discus with his fish 2nd on the left. Right the discus third of Peter Low Hian Tiong


What magnificent fish proposed by Sunny Yap! This Red spotted snake skin albino is a very nice quality one! The albino are not easy varieties to breed… I let you imagine the work of selection provided by the breeder to obtain this result!

spots up on the operculas, an homogeneous color pattern, a harmonious shape… a fish at the top!


The solid open discus, Italy once again!

Aquarama 2013 Class 9 Discus solid open 01_1

Tony Tan first with a solid Brown


Aquarama 2013 Class 9 Discus solid open 02_1 Aquarama 2013 Class 9 Discus solid open 03_1

Caitline Lee second with a snow white (left). Andréa Sassi et Antonello Greco third with a Pigeon white butterfly


A second price gleaned by the Italian from SG Discus! Europeans have definitely hit hard for their first participation! One more fish with the Gene pigeon blood that we call " Pigeon white butterfly"

In this category, I love the Discus snow white… This fish is elegant. In any case in the same style as those of Terence Chia presented in the last contest organized by the Discus Club Singapore.


A Heckel cross discus ahead 2 white leopards

Aquarama 2013 Class 10 Discus solid pattern 01_1

Discus Heckel cross winner of the category, Tony Tan (Malaysia)


Aquarama 2013 Class 10 Discus solid pattern 02_1 Aquarama 2013 Class 10 Discus solid pattern 03_1

Left the second, a snow white leopard of Tony Tan, right the third of Injazz Discus


The open categories are somehow "lucky bags" of discus show… This is even more true for the category open pattern (Unclassifiable with a pattern different from solid).

We can see the Heckel cross arrive more and more on the market. My friends Jeffrey Tan and Tony working on these fishes since some years now… I remember their first results. And what evolution since!

The winner is absolutely beautiful. And this fish is not an isolated individual; Tony and Jeffrey have many discus of this kind in their breeding farms.

The snow white leopard discus are also worked for some time at Tony Tan… And the results are their… Once again!

This variety difficult to select because of gène « white » very influential, will still evolve without a doubt… When the red spot on the operculas?

Also, even points on the body of fishes not cease to be more distinct and clearly defined. a red color on a white background; a very appealing rendering!

Here we are at the end of this article… It only remains for me to invite you to consult the list of the winners below.

What could be more beautiful than to discover a few of these fish immortalized on video? This is what I also propose at the bottom of page…


All the results of the competition (document Aquarama)

Video by ReefBuilders


I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Congratulations again to all and especially to my friends who have won beautiful trophies !

Antonello Greek et Andréa Sassi Aquarama 2013_1

Antonello and Andrea, firsts European breeders winning at the contest Aquarama


See you later for new stories dedicated to our favorite fish!

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About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2024 au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.

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