Discus breeding very became quickly a challenge for me. Aquarist since my young age (Time passes so fast !!!) the discus soon attracted me.
Pictures of my first books dedicated to the hatcheries of Jack Wattley, Bernd Degen, or Edouard Schmidt Focke and later Wayne Ng always motivated me.
I also wanted to be able to see with my own eyes the reproduction of the discus.
Those who know me for a long time will recall from my 'fishroom' with in the middle of it, my bed...
I had the chance to have rather supportive parents that always supported and helped me raise my discus. Happens to them still to do !
Aquariums of a hobbyist breeder

Fascinated by pictures and videos my dear Dad had decided to make a video report on my passion for the discus...
Member of a video club, He has spent hours of work in order to achieve this video report on my passion.
The objective was to present my small discus hatchery and share images of the atypical reproduction of the King of aquariums.
The projection of this report in his association will have raised a number of questions. Would he have created desires of aquarium to the "spectators". ?
Stayed several months in box, my Quebec friends from the Facebook group '' Quebec discus breeders'' "have convinced me to publish it here.
The reproduction of the discus in video

After a brief interview, the video report shows the reproduction of the discus in my small hatchery.
I confess to not being very comfortable at the beginning of the video... but essential are still images of discus ! 😉
From egg to alevin stage, you will discover the evolution of a batch of discus.
I say no more and let you discover this video ... with a "making of" the end….
I hope that our cousins will like this video!
See also… (Link below)
Keep in touch! Subscribe to the newsletter:
To my father and my mother that I love.
Thank you to the Sinnott family for Irish translation! 😉
one feels the proud father of her offspring
nice job of Hoiret family
Hello Yann,
I congratulate you on your video, it is very well made and very interesting. I am a beginner in terms of breeding discus. I'll be at Arvert in April, may be we will meet thee? Will you now?
Thank you for your site and your involvement goshawks discus.
Aquariophilement your.
Hello David!
Yes, you're right… This story is somehow a family work! ahahahah 🙂
A very soon my friend!
Hello Eric,
Thanks for your compliments! 🙂
Yes I would be present at Arvert, I had the pleasure to be invited to judge (With 6 other french judges) the discus competition.
On Saturday morning I would make a speech with the theme "Contest discus and running".
Moreover there are two other video conferences on Saturday which will be very interesting.
You will find here the program: http://www.fanatik-discus.com/2015/12/reportage-france-discus-show-2016-arvert/
Take care,
Hello Yann,
I want to know if it is possible to recover rainwater for the reproduction of the discus.
If yes how filter make it rain water?
Hello Romain,
I'll make a response from normand… Yes and no…
Some aquarists use of rain water for their fish. However I just met lovers of discus using it. (But there is!)
That ci is typically used by amateurs apistogramma or killi.
Nowadays and pollution of the environment, be aware that the use of rainwater can be a risk-taking.
Despite all, If directing you towards its use, Let's pay attention to the harvest mode. Avoid water trickles on metallic objects (eavestroughs for example), attention treated roofs against mosses, maintain the clean harvesting system.
Furthermore, This practice is to be avoided close urban areas.
I think that here we are dealing with this:
Case by case according to the region or you live…
A reflection will have to be according to the ratio gain/risk of its use.
Try to connect with other aquarists in your area in order to have a clearer idea.
What seems be a minimum: Filter on perlon to remove any coarse particles + charcoal filtration.
Yann 🙂
Hello ,
Having recently discovered your site , I would like to get into a discus aquarium, the volume of 700 litres. How could I put? By adding a small bench ( Red nose , Neon or cardinalis , Danio rerio ) and some corydoras and ancistrus ? There is make it easier to raise discus varieties ?
See you soon.
Hello Loïc,
I responded to you directly by mail.
However to avoid the neon lights, Danios which will hardly love the high temperature ask the discus.
Bonjour je suis vraiment touché d’avoir vu tes superbes discus.
Je suis un homme francais et je vi en Colombie. Moi aussi je suis passionné par ce superbe poisson.
J’aimerai te demander si tu peux m’envoyer des discus en Colombie?
J’en voudrais 6 ou 8. Si cela est possible, peux tu me dire les variétes et taille ainsi que leurs prix?
Merci beaucoup et bravo pour la qualite de tes discus.
Hello Joel,
Thank you for the compliments! This my touch to know that my fish like until Colombia!
Unfortunately, I couldn't send you discus… I am an amateur breeder and I do not have the means to do this.
The pleasure of you re-read on Fanatik-discus! And I hope that you find your happiness in Colombia!
Yann 🙂
Hello Yann,
I would like to create a discus farm, I don't have a lot of room. I dispose of a location 2 m x l 0,60 X H 2,50 with two or three trays. Can you advise me for this project?
After seeing your video, is what you do visit your farm?
Hello Eric,
To complete a breeding will need you several aquariums. Give you goal is to raise a small amount of fish with the concern for quality.
Develop your a few aquariums in order to optimize time-consuming tasks such as water changes. (Evacuations, too full of water etc.…)
Don't forget that discus require the room growing up is to separate them as their growth.
It seems to me that Guillaume Laué had written an article on the topic in a number of Aqua Mag (http://www.animalia-editions.com/24-aquamag) He should reread old articles summaries.
I don't always have time unfortunately to receive, that is why this little video shows my modest little farm. 🙂
Finally, we seen at Arvert?
Hello Yann
For reproduction of discus what are the parameters of the water ?
How many times must we change the water?
I happened to have once the reproduction but for more nothing.
Could you help me with this?
Thank you
Hello Christophe,
As I stated in the video, for playback I check mainly 3 parameters: conductivity, pH and nitrates.
He will need to equip yourself with a meter. A slightly acid pH should be. The development of eggs varies from one variety to another. Let's say that what is stated in the video allows the embryonic development of the varieties that I'm raising with a good rate of success.
It is true that some varieties are more or less rustic about the quality of water for reproduction. Also, You can have outbreaks in different types of water…. But maybe not with a good rate of success at the various stages. (Fertilization, outbreak, free swimming FRY etc…)
To cause spawning in the aquarium (specifically intended for reproduction), You can make broad changes of water (, 50%) with water well prepared in advance. (Temperature, parameters…)
You can slightly vary the temperature during those above.
Make sure you have a couple as two females can deposit their eggs together…
I place Dennerle catappa leaves in the aquarium to reduce the appearance of fungus on eggs. Their leaves are well prepared and dry, I've never had surprises with this.
Sometimes it takes patience because the discus don't always want to reproduce as we would like…
Good luck!
There is more activity since 2016?
I wanted to know if you were still active and if you subsequently specimens for sale for soon I will get back to the discus after 11 12 Years of arrest for I am left Paris to come here in Haute Savoie… I was gone passionate young teenager who was 2:30 by metro and bus trips just to go see Wayne discus discus Reuil Malmaison.
Nice day
Vincent K
Hello Vincent,
It is true that there should be this media update!
I posted photos or videos of my fish on other media: Facebook ou YouTube. I give you the links:
https://www.facebook.com/Fanatik.Discus/ (Discus born at home)
You did well to migrate to the Haute Savoie! the air is better 🙂
2018 rather was responsible for me and I did not raise a lot of discus. Fish video will soon go.
I invite you to contact me by mail.