New regulation in discus competition? : Conclusions (Part 7)


A new Regulation of the discus competition is in my point of view essential to be able to start the beginning of a reflection goshawks of our events.

It must be scalable and flexible to talk to a larger number of participants. We must not forget that the interest of a Championship is greatly linked with the diversity of people presenting their fish.

Evolve the system of classification, mean talking to a large number of discus breeders. The objective here is to not abandon some varieties.

Whether you're in love of "old varieties" or "modern varieties" each phenotype of discus must find its place.

We should no longer, (as we read too often) oppose European breeders to the Asian breeders. Vindictive people are also not always part of the discus breeders universe… The opinion of the breeders (Professional or amateur) who select their lineages should be more taken into account for the Regulation of the discus competition.

Furthermore, I strongly believe in a universal classification since it is based on what we see and does not suffer from some sort of interpretations.


Out of the market for more diversity


Only one preoccupation: The good assessment of the fish

Also, I think that contests must free themselves from the market economy prevailing goshawks of the discus. The discus is a business for some and I see no problem for this. This is positive and allows the Organization of this kind of events. But the regulations (classification + scoring system + standard) dedicated to the contest must get rid of all reflections related to the economic aspect.

I mean here that our categorization must be more open and scalable in order to not only reply to the various effects of market trends.

For the Regulation of the discus competition, We should have only one preoccupation : The assessment of fish, whatever its owner, its origin or its variety and put aside our personal tastes.

Finally, and I end up this; the classification proposed on Fanatik-Discus can be the basis for the development of a standard for the discus breeding forms I will propose you in another series of articles. This can very easily be based on the classification proposed here and it is for this purpose that I have created different levels 1 to 6.

After presenting these topics during the Championship of France Discus Show of Arvert (Thanks again to Xavier Jeanmaire and the whole’SODA Association for allowing me some time to present it for the first time). I'd like to be able to discuss in public the last aspects of my thinking and thus collect your opinion.


Regulation of the discus competition: Summary of the 7 articles…

Nouvelle réglementation des concours de discus

It seems to me important to summarize these 7 first articles so that you can better understand my vision of things and the main ideas:

  • The categorization of the discus should be standardized and redesigned so that each phenotype finds its place in contest.
  • Categorization must be scalable, independent of the effects of market trends. Only the work of selection of breeders should be taken into account.
  • Regulation = Classification + scoring system + standard (The classification allowing to split the phenotypes within categories based on registrations. The scoring system allowing to evaluate and rank each discus. And finally the standard that would be the detailed definition of each phenotypic criteria expected in contest.
  • Each event should adopt automatically 2 «open» categories (Solid and pattern) in order to not oppose 2 styles of phenotypes too different.
  • Each participant should register his discus in a defined classification in order to allow the organizers to propose categories based on registrations. Categories would be 'open' on the basis of a minimum number of participants. In case of insufficient number to create a category, concerned fish would be "donated" in one of the two open categories. (Goal: Expand the competition to more types of phenotypes)
  • The ratings criterias should be enough numerous in order to ensure a better assessment of fish.
  • The future standard should be divided into two: " the morphological standard «and «» the category standard or pattern/color standard" . The morphological standard should be common to all discus and color/pattern standard specific to phenotypes described in the classification).
  • The general rating system should be divided in two and stay more in favour of the morphological standard than the pattern/color standard . (Maximum points won on the morphological standard > Points won on the pattern/color standard)
  • The scoring system used during a contest should be known by participants before the competition. This allowing participants to best select their fish.
  • The regulation should be scalable to follow the progress of the work of breeders.
  • Participants should be able to get ratings of their fish after the contest. This could help them to understand their mistakes and correct it.


You are always there???


You are not asleep like my friend Michael Pikis?

I hope i didn't loose you on the way... This topic is complex and deserved a long report. You have questions about this new Regulation of the discus competition? Whether it's classification or scoring system; do not hesitate to ask me at the end of each article. I would answer in the best way.

The next steps in my reflections will be articulated goshawks details dedicated to the scoring system; (Attribution of the coefficients by criterias, details and presentation of each criteria…). But also the clear development of a standard based on categorization presented here.

See you soon!

Keep we Discus ! 😉


About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2024 au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.


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