Reportage dedicated to the Vivarium Rosmalen event which takes place in the Netherlands. An aquarist and, terraria event who became inescapable over the years…
The video report…
This article is for those who have not seen it trough the article dedicated to the discus competition organized by the Belgian club Discusvrienden. But also for those who hesitate to discover the Vivarium 2019 which will take place in November!
Vivarium Rosmalen TOP LEVEL
You will discover in this video the work that Aukes Marco and his team offers. A daunting work giving a superb result: A growing number of visitors years after years!
Devotees of aquariums, of reptiles, insects and even plants… will find happiness.
After landing at Amsterdam airport, I joined the team of Discusvrienden during the night, discovering the place where would be the Vivarium Rosmalen.

Further information?
For those who would like to discover this event taking place in Rosmalen, I invite you to visit the organizers website.
No doubt you will find your happiness!
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See you soon!!!
Fantastic show,
I live in Australia and would like to connect with you guys (plus others), as wel.
My email address is – – – – – –
Hello Brett,
Yes, it is a very good one… Every year. I guess next one in November will be again better!
For contact, I have voluntarily masked your personal mail adress.
Feel free to use « contact the author » page here on the website, or via Fanatik-discus facebook page, or even Instagram.