At the end of the year 2019, it's time for me to thank you for your fidelity AND wish you all the best for the coming year!
Best wishes for 2020
2019 was a productive year on Fanatik-Discus! I did not spare my efforts to share with you the news dedicated to the Symphysodon, or return with a few feature articles that you seem to particularly enjoyed…
The website has expanded its communication on social networks with its arrival on Instagram and a boost made on its Youtube channel (You are now more 1000 subscribers!)
Far from being the same number of subscribers seen on the page Facebook (More than 6500!!!), these networks help to expand the types of content.
Thanks you all!
Thank you again for your fidelity! This one encourages me to continue to share with you.
I want to continue to offer video content in order to enhance my articles. Tell me in the comments section below if you like these video formats.
Moreover… What is your favorite video on the channel?
I have several projects to propose, with for some, a widening of topics subjects. Because even if my favorite theme is the Symphysodon…
I remain an aquarist passionate in the broadest sense of the term!

My video project with three French aquascapers…
Also, after publishing my video report dedicated to a fish store, I think it's time to introduce you to my next pictures dedicated to the discus competition seen at the Vivarium…
And I think you will not be disappointed…
Would you be interested in an explanatory video dedicated to a "Podium Discus Star"???
Thanks to everyone I met!

Thank you, for your encouragement messages and your thanks…
Because it's during those discus meetings that I measure the potential impact of our passion. A passion that takes much of our free time, and makes us do kilometers!
I constantly learn thanks to you! The Symphysodon will constantly gather us around the world! And it's pretty cool 😉
So to all of you,
I send you all my wishes for success and health, and that this year brings you great things!
And who knows… Maybe we will met during this year 2020!!!
See you soon!

Can one be president of one of the most important Discus club in Europe… Being the most capped Discus judge in the world and want to fly on a broom???
Get serious gentlemen… 🙂

Particularly pleased to have helped the young association "Amical Sud Discus" for their logo (Photos). Congratulations for the energy during the Vivarium 2019!

A passionate I hope to see soon! Christian.K Austria.

A family that supports my passion…

Tony Vaughan Paris 2019 Vivarium 2019 Jackie Tran Tat Discus and Yann Hoiret Sigma aquatics au Paris Discus show 2019 The US in Paris Yann.H and Ceyhun Ozluer Dagbarama Discus Farm Israel et Yann Hoiret With AymericAquascaping Youtube channel Ceyhun USA…