Making a paper fish: VIDEO


In these health disorders moments, much of us are confined… And when you have like me children at home, we must be imaginative to occupy them. This way, I accepted the challenge that was offered to me: the "Making a paper fish" activity…

Video at the footer

Meeting the family challenge…

Collage of fish scales paper

I do not know if you can imagine my level of skill in this field…

I am close to nil, and my visual art courses are far behind me…

But the family council voted to… And following the unanimous vote result, I had to resign myself to also make a paper fish!

So here I am sitting at a table, face to glue tubes, scissors, and other colored sheets of paper of all kinds!

But what am I doing in this nightmare???

A paper fish easy to manufacture

Toilet paper roll the fish body
The toilet roll body of the fish…

There were still some rules imposed in this challenge…

Including one which stipulated the mandatory use of a toilet paper roll…

I, who wanted to keep a few for my breeding trials of "Blackworms"! Sacrilege!

Yes… Just a small aside to tell you that I started to try breeding several kind of live food for my discus…

My low success trials to date concerns "Blackworms" that could feed on the cellulose contained in the roll of toilet paper…

In short, if the family council had decided to make me a paper fish…

It will be a discus!!! (Finally… well, I'll try 🙂 )

The opportunity to present it in Video

Octopus paper and tissue

For those who would still not know, I connected the website publications to The YouTube channel Fanatik-Discus

One always nice support that allows me to communicate differently with you!

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In short… I do not make you more "languish"… And let you discover our "works of art".

And especially mine :p

Making his discus fish paper
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VIDEO: Feel free to nominate your favorite!

French and English YouTube subtitles available

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About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.

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