Red Melon discus, My selection 2014
My small breeding of Discus Red Melon continues to evolve. I propose you to discover…
My small breeding of Discus Red Melon continues to evolve. I propose you to discover…
As you know I love the discus of red varieties… Regularly, I propose to you via…
The breeding of pterophyllum altum… who has not dreamed of that? Pterophyllum altum is in…
Get a couple of discus thrills many fans. What's more beautiful than …
Aquariums and discus enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new equipment that arrive…
Hi all! Some of you have recently asked my last young discus news…
Andréa Sassi and Antonello Greco managent their breeding of discus for some years within…
A short video of the breeding pairs of Alexander Piwowarski (Germany). Some fish are very aggressive…
Fabulous German site dedicated to the lines and the Amazon. You will find many pictures and videos.…
Why water is so important discus? As with many aquatic species,…