Discus Club Singapore discus show 2012
Discus Club Singapore organized in December 2012 the third edition of its history. As…
Discus Club Singapore organized in December 2012 the third edition of its history. As…
You take pictures of your discus? ... So, the website VFDC (Virtual Francophone Discus Competition)…
Hatch eggs of brine shrimps; nothing easier! Things get more complicated when…
Hi all! Some of you have recently asked my last young discus news…
Last month took the sixth discus show in Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. Judges…
Andréa Sassi and Antonello Greco managent their breeding of discus for some years within…
At the beginning of the month of December as the national discus competition "Singapore". 2011 » a…
Birth 2011/2012 After having selected a few fish born in 2010/2011, I decide…
Here you will find many articles and features photos and videos. A…
My discus red melon born at home… Femelle eds melons